G.1. “God First” College Age Ministry
Not to us, LORD, not to us
but to your name be the glory,
because of your love and faithfulness. Psalm 115:1
What: G.1 stands for God First. It’s a Co-ed College Age Ministry focused on creating a loving Christ centered community by doing life together and connecting College age young adults with one another. Bible studies, events, dinners, and life’s daily activities will connect College age young adults together in order to bring God glory.
Who: People ages 17-25, have completed some college, never went to college, or started a career, are all welcome! If you are finished college or a bit older and are along into a career and feel this age group would not be suitable for you, Rooted, the Career Young Adults Ministry meeting every other Thursday may be right for you! Please see the Rooted page for more information.
When: We will be meeting twice a month starting on October 25th. From 7-9. Dinner starts at 7PM, and then our group time starts at 8. Fun, silly, and deep fellowship with a serious focus on Jesus is what you can expect coming to G.1.
Where: We will be meeting at Colts Neck Community Church in the Fellowship Hall. We also will branch out to people’s houses on a bi-weekly rotational basis if possible. The “What’s App” will serve as our primary communication provider as well as Instagram and Facebook.
Why: We believe that Jesus is everything (Psalm 115:1) and being able to provide a community that will connect career young adults to encourage, embrace, and love one another like Jesus did is vital to our daily lives. (Hebrews 10:25)
Contact: You can reach our G.1 Ministry Leader Kerris at 267 241 4037. Texting him first is a direct way to connect with him. If you’d like to join our G.1. messaging on What’s App, simply just text Kerris.
You can also email him at Kerris@coltsneckchurch.com