When your god fails you.
Our nation and our world are in a state of panic right now. The COVID-19 virus has had long-reaching and devastating effects not only on the health of people but on the economic well-being of billions. People are uncertain about their future, frightened of a potentially deadly disease, and seeking any answers they can find to the question of what their future holds. In our own nation, many people have had their lives turned upside-down with the restrictions and cautions of government and health officials....

Practicing Prayer During the Coronavirus Crisis
Almost everyone is working from home, schools are closed, nearly everything is shut down, sporting events are canceled, events and gatherings are postponed, and now a statewide curfew of 8PM is in place (which is earlier than what we would impose on teens), so we should have more time to pray than ever....

Parenting for the Heart in the Midst of Crisis
America is in the midst of a crisis unlike anything most of us have ever seen in our lifetime. And, as a result, we have an opportunity for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to shine in our homes and throughout our community. While the world buys the panic and fear that coronavirus offers in abundance, the Church, and each family, can instead bring glory to God by reflecting the peace and hope that he gives to his people (Phil. 4:6-7)....

Navigating Fear, Faith, & Love: 3 Ways We As Christians Should Respond to the Coronavirus Outbreak
Coronavirus is spreading fast. Schools are being shut down. Events have been cancelled. And governments all over the globe are buckling down in an attempt to halt the pandemic. How are we as Christians to respond? While God’s world seems to be in panic, how are God’s people to act?...
He is Risen! Believe and Receive New Life

He is risen! How do I know forgiveness of sin, peace with God, and the promise of everlasting life? Believe these life-changing truths and respond in faith # 1. The Bible says we are all sinners in need of saving. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) #2. The Bible says God shows the depth of His love for us in the cross of Jesus Chr...
Keep ReadingWhat the Holy Land Reveals About Holy Week

The central bureau of statistics in Jerusalem reported there were 4.5 million tourists who traveled to Israel in the year 2019. Considering the total population of Israel is nine million people and the geographical size of Israel is equivalent to the state of New Jersey, that is a staggering number of visitors! Most of the visitors who travel to Israel do not see themse...
Keep ReadingChoosing Jesus Over Worldly Religion

The Apostle Paul's First Sermon The sermon recorded in ACTS 13 is the first recorded sermon of the Apostle Paul in all the Bible! Paul taught the totality of Old Testament revelationleads us to this life-changing, eternity-altering New Testament truth:There is FORGIVENESS and FREEDOM through FAITH in Christ! From Patriarch to Prophets,from David to John the Baptist,Pa...
Keep ReadingA Historic Victory for Life!

Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. -Amos 5:24 For nearly fifty years our generation, our society, and our children have been told abortion is healthcare and terminating a pregnancy is a constitutional right. For nearly fifty years there have been brave advocates who were willing to stand up and say, "No. Abortion is not he...
Keep ReadingThe First Gospel Proclamation in the Bible

1 Corinthians 15:3-4 proclaims,"For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures,that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures" After all the issues the church in Corinth faced, persecution without and sin within, Paul finishes his letter with wha...
Keep ReadingI believe He is risen! How do I get right with God?

He is risen! How do I know forgiveness of sin, peace with God, and the promise of everlasting life? Believe these life-changing Biblical truths and respond in faith! # 1. The Bible says we are all sinners in need of saving."For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23. #2. The Bible says God shows the depth of His love for us in the cross of Je...
Keep ReadingThe Power of the Empty Tomb!

Why does the empty tomb still matter? With wars inEastern Europe, soaring inflation, fear of sickness, frustration with government, rampant deception and constant distractions... why is it important to gather on Resurrection Sunday and remember the empty tomb? The simple truth is this: without the resurrection, there is no hope. Without the resurrection,...
Keep ReadingTreasure in Jars of Clay

2 CORINTHIANS 4:7 We have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. 8 We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; 10 always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in...
Keep ReadingBe Still, I Will Fight For You

Imagine yourself on the bank of the Red Sea in Egypt. Your people have been enslaved to an evil tyrant for centuries. Your family has lived in a foreign and hostile land for generations. You have dealt with oppressive labor and the destruction of your children. Now, after centuries of perceived silence, God miraculously delivers through TEN supernatural signs and wonde...
Keep ReadingGod's Word: Purifying Fire and Powerful Hammer

"Is not my word like fire, declares the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?" -Jeremiah 23:9 God's Word is like a burning crucible, purifying us of worldly and unholy dross. God's Word is also like a hammer, demolishing mental strongholds as it renews our mind and builds us up. If God's Word has lost its fire and its power in your ...
Keep ReadingForsaken by the Father
MATTHEW 27:45-46 Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" that is, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" At the beginning of Jesus' public ministry in the Gospel of Matthew we behold God the Father's affection for Jesus in his b...
Keep ReadingBiblical Fasting in a New Year

Here we are between two of our most celebrated holidays. One holiday is based on a holy day, the birth of Christ. Another holiday is based on the last day of the calendar year, New Years Eve. This is the time of the year where we usually reflect on the year past and focus on the year ahead. The idea of a new year brings a sense of a new beginning. The new calendar inspi...
Keep ReadingThe Whole World is Waiting for Good News
More than any other time in recent memory, the entire world is fighting the same battle and the entire world is looking for the same victory. The impact of the Coronavirus is even more expansive than the two "World Wars" of the 20th Century! That is not to say the death toll or the suffering of the Coronavirus will be same as World War I and II, but history does not give ...
Keep ReadingThe Coronavirus and End Times Prophecy: An Opportunity Amidst Difficulty

As a pastor I am blessed with the opportunity to walk with people through both life's joys and life's sorrows. As the entire human race deals with the threat of the Coronavirus, I am seeing a consistency of questions in the minds of our people: How dangerous is the disease? How long will we be forced to stay isolated? How will I survive the economic fall out? How long ...
Keep ReadingGuilty Displeasure

Everyone deals with guilt. Why? When is guilt healthy and when is guilt harmful? Here is a Bible Study on the issue:...
Keep ReadingBiblical, Biological, Ethical Foundations for the Cause of Life

This has been transferred from a PowerPoint Presentation Pastor Chris Durkin gave at Colts Neck Community Church. If you are interested in receiving a copy of the presentation, please email Chris@coltsneckchurch.com. Thank you! ...
Keep ReadingThe Lord's Prayer: Forgive Us Our Debts
"And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors." (Matthew 6:12) By Pastor Chris Durkin At the time of writing this devotional, the current national debt of the United States of America is over 20 trillion dollars. The only reason twenty is shocking in this number is because of the word that follows it trillion. There are thirteen zeros following the t...
Keep ReadingThe Lord's Prayer: Our Father in Heaven
The first of eight devotionals on Jesus' prayer in Matthew 6:9-13...
Keep ReadingThis is Love: Christ Died for His Enemies

Every single person alive, regardless of background, address, ethnicity, tradition or tax bracket, desires to love and be loved. This desire is so strong that almost every action throughout our lifetime is motivated by it. The desire to love and be loved is as natural as the air we breathe. We can know what we love by listening to what we give praise to. Love is something...
Keep ReadingHope for Hurting Families

Hope for Hurting Families Mother's Day Sermon 2017 Genesis 4 The role of a mom is simultaneously one of the most important roles in the world and one of the most unglamorous. Raising kids is TOUGH. There is no simple, clean, easy, comfortable way to be a loving, faithful mom. Rather than a sprint, motherhood might be likened to a "Tough Mudder" marathon. A "Tough Mud...
Keep ReadingNo More Excuses, No More Accusing (SERMON NOTES)
Pastor Chris preaching on Romans 2:12-16 on February 19th....
Keep ReadingIts Time To Get Out of the Judge's Chair (SERMON NOTES)
Summary Notes from Pastor Chris' sermon, "Its Time to Get Out of the Judge's Chair," Romans 2:1-11....
Keep ReadingJesus says "I AM" enough when we are not.
How the "I AM" statements of Jesus declare his divinity and sufficiency!...
Keep ReadingIn My Place Condemned He Stood

What is Peace? "What does the gospel of God offer us? If we say “the peace of God,” none will demur - but will everyone understand? The use of right words does not guarantee right thoughts. Too often the peace of God is thought of as if it were essentially a feeling of inner tranquility, happy and carefree, springing from knowledge that God will shield one f...
Keep ReadingThe Trial of Christ

WHO’S TO BLAME? "It would be a mistake to blame the Jews alone for the crucifixion. Much evil has come from the idea that “the Jews killed Jesus,” not least in Nazi Germany. Therefore, it is important to see how many other people were implicated in this conspiracy. An Idumean king named Herod handed Jesus over to the Romans. A Roman governor named Pontius Pilate...
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